Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

A youth-led collective aspiring to empower society through the value of direct action in Malaysian activism.
Our Project:
Aiming to teach and learn the utility of intersectional perspectives, our initiatives strives to bring out the value of direct action in activism amongst the Malaysian youth.We stand with every progressive issue under the sun-Ours is to fight the good fight.
Current Events and Activities
Save Pos Lanai Campaign
After our successful fundraiser for the legal battle of the Orang Asli in Pos Lanai with the Pahang State Government, they are still in danger and are in need of the public's support.Hence, we are part of the Save Pos Lanai coalition which is currently organizing a public pressure campaign. The Save Pos Lanai coalition is pushing for the government to stop the rare earth mining project that would not only harm our environment but also steal Orang Asli land.
Our contract workers need your support, NOW.They suffer underpaid, overworked, discriminated against, and exploited; Malaysia pays no attention. Below are ways you can help the movement.
1. Follow Jaringan Pekerja Kontrak Kerajaan (JPKK) on social media. Instagram: @jpkk.official, Twitter: @jpkk_official
2. Sign the petition to abolish the contract system. The contract system is deprives workers of employee benefits and remuneration. This is labor abuse and we must support the abolishment of this cruel system!
3. Spread this digital pamphlet by posting these on your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media to spread the campaign.
4. Join an interactive session to find out how could YOU play a role in this fight on 29th September 2021, Wednesday.
Decriminalise Suicide Now Campaign
TW: Suicide, Mental IllnessThe number of suicide attempts and fatal suicides has drastically increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Treating them as criminals in their most vulnerable state and threatening them with jail time is nonsensical and outrageous. It’s about time we repeal Section 309.If you want to learn more about the campaign and how you can help to decriminalise suicide in Malaysia, check out our website for this campaign! This website is available in English and Bahasa Melayu. #DecriminaliseSuicideNow #BunuhDiriBukanJenayah

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

The world is on fire.You want to do something. You aren't sure what that might be, or where to start. We are here to take that fleeting thought of 'want to do something' and empower it- to give agency to your urgency.MISI:Solidariti does that by serving as a platform to collectivize, educate, pool and share resources- may it be advice, experience, ideas, connections, or like-minded people- and make things happen.

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

Join Us
Are you interested in joining MISI:Solidariti?
Do you feel hesitant or afraid?Read our introductory guide to MISI:Solidariti!Hopefully, it will help answer questions you may have about us and clear your doubts about joining us.
Did you like what you just read?
Do you feel inspired?
If so, what are you waiting for?Join MISI:Solidariti now!Let's fight the good fight together.

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

Contact Us
For any inquiries, messages, questions, collaborations, and other matters please contact us via our social media or our email [email protected]

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

Valentine's For All
On 16th February 2020 (Sunday), we hosted an event called 'Valentine's for All', it was a safe space for the community to come together and learn how to fight for our right to love.Here is a collaborative zine we made by our lovely participants! We thank Cempaka Collective for inspiring us.
Intersectionality Seminar at SUARAM's School of Activism
On 26th September 2020, MISI:Solidariti gave a seminar at SUARAM's school of activism breaking down the topic of intersectionality, and why it’s so crucial in our activism.We introduced the topic by placing it in Malaysian context with local examples and included a guide on how to use intersectionality as a lens of analysis. This was followed up with an interactive activity and sharing session with all of the participants, to apply the lens of intersectionality to their own personal lives and struggles.
Amateur Activism Workshop
On 31st January 2021, MISI:Solidariti held an activism workshop called 'Amateur Activism".This activism workshop is meant to cultivate youths the power to change society. This workshop will impart essential knowledge in shaping your worldview as an activist, by introducing a beginner's guide to systemic analysis and the lens of intersectionality; Advance your critical analysis of societal issues by learning all about its root problems, and understand the best approach to address them. Learn about obscure social issues that need more people to fight for them.
Police Misconduct in Malaysia Talk
On Wednesday the 20th of January 2021, MISI: Solidariti members Shre Maha and Beaby spoke on a panel regarding police brutality in Malaysia.The talk was organised by Amnesty Malaysia BAC Club to understand the systemic feelings, bad faith actors, and societal ideologies underpinning this problem, and how we can help fight it.
Food for Thought Webinar
We’re aware of Black History Month and racism in the United States, but how many of us recognise the parallels in our own country? ‘Food for Thought’ was a webinar held on 27th February 2021 aimed to foster discussion around racism in Malaysia, where our speakers and audience get to share their personal experiences and thoughts.

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

Our Activities
Selamatkan HSKLU
Malaysia is at risk of losing Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve to developmental projects. Despite this forest being an ancestral land of Orang Asli and essential to our ecosystem, the legal process to degazette KLNFR was completed on 12th August 2021.BUT our fight is not over, and we still have time to fight back.
We must hold them accountable.
We must save Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve.Click on the HSKLU website to learn more about the issue and what YOU can do to help.
Donation Appeal: Flood Relief Fundraiser for Kampung Sendrod
On 20th January 2021, we helped to fundraise RM2,000 for 109 families in kampung Sendrod as their resources to survive were cut off due to nonstop raining in the area. Families have lost their jobs and are cut off from clean water after landslides. Destroyed roads and phone lines makes aid even harder to reach them.The fundraiser was successful as we achieved the fundraising
goal within 2 hours!
Pos Lanai Fundraiser
On 15th February 2021, we helped to fundraise RM30,000 for the legal battle of Orang Asli in Pos Lanai with the Pahang State Government. They are fighting for a declaration that would compel the government to gazette their homes and forest as rightful native customary land, so it is permanently protected from encroachment.This fundraiser was a tremendous success as the fundraising goal was achieved within 2 weeks.
Save Pos Lanai Campaign
After our successful fundraiser for the legal battle of the Orang Asli in Pos Lanai with the Pahang State Government, they are still in danger and are in need of the public's support.Hence, we are part of the Save Pos Lanai coalition which is currently organizing a public pressure campaign. The Save Pos Lanai coalition is pushing for the government to stop the rare earth mining project that would not only harm our environment but also steal Orang Asli land.
#ConcreteJungle #GlobalClimateStrike
In conjunction with the global climate strike, MISI:Solidariti & KAMY as part of Gabungan Pertahankan Hutan Simpan Kuala Langat Utara (PHSKLU) organised several events part of a digital strike.This was so we could bring global attention to the degazettement of the Kuala Langat North Forest Reserve (KLNFR) and deforestation, in general, all over Malaysia.
Postcards from Tomorrow
Postcards from Tomorrow is our 2nd campaign in effort to stop the degazettement of Kuala Langat North Forests Reserve (KLNFR) in conjunction with Earth Day.The campaign urged the public to send a postcard, physically or digitally, to keep this issue alive and to continuously pressure the government to stop the degazzetement.
IPCMC Campaign
The IPCMC campaign aims to push for the passing of the Independent Police Complaints of Misconduct Commission bill. This bill would establish an independent commission to investigate officers accused of misconduct. Members of the commission are appointed to handle disciplinary proceedings to deal with the accused and punishments can be meted out on errant police personnel.The cases of police brutality and custodial deaths in Malaysia are increasing every month. Hence, we must do everything in our power to pass the IPCMC bill and demand better!Sign the petition by SUARAM and send an email to your MPs now. Click the below to send an email now! Credits to @saran_anandan and @_asmeetaaa for the email template.
Decriminalise Suicide Now Campaign
TW: Suicide, Mental IllnessThe number of suicide attempts and fatal suicides has drastically increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. Treating them as criminals in their most vulnerable state and threatening them with jail time is nonsensical and outrageous. It’s about time we repeal Section 309.If you want to learn more about the campaign and how you can help to decriminalise suicide in Malaysia, check out our website for this campaign! This website is available in English and Bahasa Melayu. #DecriminaliseSuicideNow #BunuhDiriBukanJenayah
MISI:Bawang is a biannual digital booklet project that was initiated under MISI:Solidariti and it is brought to life with your stories and art!The digital booklets we create are completely FREE and it includes insights on the chosen topic as well as your submission of short stories, poems, comics, photos, artworks, and etc!Our first booklet was on the topic of Mental Health, now we're working on creating an LGBTQ+ booklet.
The digital booklets we create are completely FREE and it includes insights on the chosen topic as well as your submission of short stories, poems, comics, photos, artworks, and etc!Follow MISI:Bawang's social media account to learn more about this project! Or if you have any enquires, email us at [email protected]IG: @misibawang Twitter: @misi_bawang

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

The MISI:Bawang carrd site is still a work in progress, but come back again on 26th June 2021!Until then, do follow @misibawang on Instagram and @misi_bawang on Twitter.

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

Police Brutality and Custodial Deaths in Malaysia
Feeling angry or upset? Want to do something about it? Let's learn about the IPCMC Bill
Want to know more about the IPCMC Bill?Click here to read about part one on the IPCMC, the IPCC, and the EAIC'Click here to read about part two on the IPCMC, the IPCC, and the EAIC'

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

The website is still a work in progress, but come back again in a few weeks! Until then, do follow @SavePosLanai on Instagram.

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

#DaruratBanjir has caused much suffering to many Malaysians, and once again, the Rakyat are the ones who are doing most in helping to aid those in need. We just want to take a moment to thank everyone who donated generously and volunteered tirelessly to aid those in need.If you wish to help or receive aid, the link below will direct you to a list that will hopefully help you find what you're looking for.
Sign the petition and make noise to save Nagaenthran A/L K Dharmalingam, an intellectually disabled Malaysian man, who is facing execution on 10 November 2021 at the hands of the Singaporean government.
The local residents of Cameron Highlands are urging that the proposed theme park be stopped and we must do the same too!The proposed project will lead to deforestation, landslides, rise in temperature and the loss of biodiversity.We must do our part to #SaveCameronHighlands! Please sign and share the petition below!
#Lawan Malaysia
For our students who have been deprived of two years worth of eduction because of this government.For our doctors who have been unheard, overworked and underpaid by this government.For every child, mother, father, and friend who would have still been alive if it were not for this government.Kita #Lawan Kerajaan Pembunuh!Join the Telegram Channel for the #Lawan for updates and information about the movement.
Donation Appeals/Fundraisers
With the pandemic and a government that seems to not care about whether the Rakyat lives or dies, it's important that we do our best to help those in need during this difficult time. Hence, we've compiled places you can donate to help others or if you need help, you can reach out to the initiatives/organisations below.We urge you to please donate and share this document. Together we will survive through this pandemic and thrive for a better Malaysia. If you know of any other initiatives, please do let us know and we'll add them to this document. #KitaJagaKita #BenderaPutih
The contract system is depriving workers of employee benefits and remuneration- including annual pay raises, bonuses and increased annual or sick leave- disregarding their years of service. This is labor abuse. Support the abolishment of this cruel system!
Hak Anda dan Kuasa Polis
Here are the lessons we got from a presentation by @insta_suaram on Police Power and Your Right when we hosted our' Valentine's for All' event which was a safe space for the community to come together and learn how to fight for our right to love.
Resources for Survivors
Trigger Warning: The following includes information and discussion regarding sexual assault and harassment.For every horrible tinder date, every drunk night, sober night.
For every jerk at the club, every train ride to school, bus ride to work.
For every friend, stranger, co-worker, acquaintance.
For every father/mother, every step-father/mother, brother/sister.
For every uncle/auntie, cousin.
For every horrible person you've dated, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife.It wasn't and will never be your fault.You are seen, you are heard and your story matters.We believe you.------------------
The below will direct you to a helpful carrdco made by @sam_sicilipadi which consists of more resources for survivors and ways we can help survivors.
Specialised Mental Health Hotlines
Hotlines are a communication link to report emergencies or to request help for specific problems. With the ongoing pandemic, the number of suicides are unfortunately increasing. However, mass media only tends to publish the Befrienders hotline which is understaffed, especially during the pandemic with increased calls to the hotline and isn’t specialised for specific factors that cause suicide.Sometimes, people need the right advice to help them with their suicidal thoughts, which can be due to many factors.Hence, the below will direct you to some specialised mental health hotlines that may help you during this difficult time.
LGBTQ+ Resources
The fight for a better Malaysia for the LGBTQ+ community is a long and difficult fight, but it's a fight that we must never give up on.The below are resources you may reach out to for help or/and to be more involved with the community.
Understanding the History of Malaysia
The textbook version of our history is often watered down and overlooks the perspectives of the marginalized. Narratives are often distorted and made to benefit certain parties. History is not about dates, names, and dense facts. It's about the triumphs, passions, will, suffering, and lives of the people who made Malaysia for what it is today. To understand our present, we must understand where we came from.Time to read up! The below will direct you to a list of our book recommendations for you to understand the history of Malaysia better.If you're interested in any of these books, do drop us a DM!
Dear Malaysians, here is why the black lives matter movement applies to you.
Want to learn more about the movement? The below are #BlackLivesMatter sites in different languages to get you started.

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

LGBTQ+ Resources
SEED is a transgender-led foundation that offers a safe space for women of marginalized communities and elderly transgender people. They also provide counseling sessions and workshops.
The Pink Triangle Foundation is a community-based organization offering help for people affected by HIV/AIDS and those struggling with gender identity and sexual health.
The Gay Straight Alliance Kota Kinabalu is a queer collective based in Kota Kinabalu, whose Facebook group is available to join for all LGBTQ+ people. Here, you can meet new people and also learn about different sexualities from others.
The Trevor Space is an international networking and support website for LGBTQ+ youth aged 13-24. You can sign up online and engage in conversations, discussion forums, and even a writing club.

Solidarity Today, Victory Tomorrow

Places You Can Get Involved In to Help the LGBTQ+ Community
This post made by @nicolefws informs of the state-sponsored LGBT conversion programmes in Malaysia. It contains an email template that you can send to your MP demanding the ban of such programmes and the withdrawal of Minister Zulkifli Mohamed's statement which gave full license to Islamic authorities to arrest transgender individuals.
SEED foundation needs volunteers and dry rations, clothes, and funds are also welcome.
The PT foundation needs help to keep its services running at the Community Healthcare Centre; volunteers are welcome to help out.
The Safe Space Alliance helps to identify LGBTQ+ friendly spaces all over the world. They welcome volunteers from all over the world as well as fiscal donations.
The Queer Asian project asks LGBTQ+ Asians to share their stories to help build a trove of collective memories for the future. You are invited to submit any kind of medium to express your personal story to be shared with the rest of the community on the MyRainbow Facebook page.

What is the CPTPP?
The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) is a trade agreement between 12 countries: Malaysia, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Brunei, Mexico, Japan, and Vietnam.Learn about the third-largest free-trade area and how joining it might affect the livelihoods and initiatives of the average consumer, medical professionals, and farmers by reading our infographics on Instagram.Click here for part one on CPTPP
Click here for part two on CPTPP
Additional Resources on CPTPP